<Arm Lift surgery procedures performed by elite surgeons at Aset Hospital liverpool
  • Aset Hospital Centre of Excellence in Surgery

Arm Lift Surgery

UK abdominoplasty surgeons at Aset Hospital to remove excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer abdominal profile.

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery

Established in 2019, ASET Hospital brings together some of the leading surgeons in the North West to create a centre of excellence in the field of Cosmetic Surgery and Non-Surgical Cosmetic solutions. With a friendly approach, we believe in providing clear advice to allow you to make an informed decision about your Brachioplasty surgery.

All of our Surgeons are on the GMC specialist Register and are members of: British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and/or British Association of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS).  All of your consultations are held directly with the surgeon who will perform your surgery.

Arm Lifts

Loss of weight or simple ageing changes may lead to excess skin being present in the upper arms commonly known as bingo wings.  The loose skin on the upper arms can be a source of embarrassment. An upper arm lift (brachioplasty) is a surgical procedure which removes this excess skin and tissue, giving an improved appearance to the arms. 

Regain your natural shape and confidence with a arm lift at Aset Hospital . With decades of experienceof body surgical procedures our highly skilled surgeons are on hand to work with you to achieve a naturally sculpted and toned arm.

Am I Suitable For A Brachioplasty?

The ideal candidate for arm lift is someone with excess loose skin on the upper arm which hangs like a wing when the arm is held out. This may be associated with excess fat.

Patients are assesed on an individual basis in order to create a tailored care package personalised to the individual, this involves checking your medical and psychological health. Our dedicated team will ensure that prior to your decision, you meet with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon to talk through your specific needs, questions and queries.

The Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Procedure

The procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia. It can be done as a day case or you may stay in hospital overnight. The scars are very noticeable with this procedure as the incisions are usually made from the armpit to the elbow. The excess skin and fat are removed and then the incision is stitched back together (usually using dissolvable sutures) giving an improved appearance to the arms. The resulting scar runs on the inner part of the arm extending from the armpit towards the elbow. The length of the scar varies depending on the amount of the skin which requires excision. In order to help reduce swelling and aid in the natural tightening of the skin the arms are then wrapped in dressings or a compression garment which must be worn for six weeks.


Your Recovery & Aftercare

Your well being is our priority, Aset Hospital will provide a comprehensive and personalised aftercare packagewhich is included in your treatment.

Following arm lift surgery, where both arms may be out of action for a few days, you are advised to ensure you have a member of family or a close friend available to help you while you recover from surgery. You will need to wear a compression garment or bandages for 6 weeks following this operation. Your wound will be checked two weeks after your surgery and the surgeon who performed your surgery will see you after 6 weeks for a follow-up assessment and as often as required until you are fully recovered. It is vital that you attend all necessary post-operative appointments. It is recommended that you take one to two weeks off work and avoid physical exercise for six weeks. If this procedure is carried out under a general anaesthetic avoid driving for 2 weeks.


FAQ on Arm Lift Surgery

It depends on the type of work but most people find they can go back to work any time between 2 to 3 weeks after the surgery.
The scarring with arm lift surgery is visible and not easy to hide, The scars will appear on the underside of the upper arm, starting from the armpit and in some cases extending down to the elbow. They will be visible when wearing short-sleeved clothing.
Your surgeon will strive to place the scar as inconspicuously as possible so that it will be less visible. Scars will improve over time, continuing to flatten and fade for up to two years.
We recommend that you don’t drive a vehicle for at least 2 weeks after the surgery. We would ask that you are sensible and make sure that you are confident that you are safe before recommencing driving. Your surgeon will be able to advise you on when it is safe to drive. *Individual results may vary.
Your surgeon will be able to advise you on when it is safe to start to excersise. Upper body exercises can be gradually started after 4-6 weeks, while gentle lower body exercise (e.g. a relaxed walk) is recommended as soon as you are comfortable.
The recovery period varies from person to person, but for most patients, it takes 2 to 4 weeks. In the first few days (where you might not be able to use both arms fully), we recommend that you have a family member or close friend available to help you while you recover.

Book now

Ready to learn more about Arm Lift Surgery? To request your consultation, fill out the form on the side of this page or call our practice at  0151 426 4777Aset Hospital is based in Liverpool, Merseyside UK and serves national and international clients.