• Aset Hospital Centre of Excellence in Surgery

Ear Surgical Procedures

Aset Hospital  centre of excellence for cosmetic facial surgery

Ear Reshaping (Otoplasty / Pinnaplasty) Surgical

Established in 2019, ASET Hospital brings together some of the leading surgeons in the North West to create a centre of excellence in the field of Cosmetic Surgery and Non-Surgical Cosmetic solutions. With a friendly approach, we believe in providing clear advice to allow you to make an informed decision about your surgery.

Our team of dedicated and highly qualified plastic surgeons, anaesthetists, skin care specialists and experienced nurses are here to provide safe treatments to try to help you achieve health, happiness and the results you’ve always dreamed of. We do not compromise on quality and will only use top quality implants, properly equipped and accredited surgical facilities and fully qualified consultant surgeons who are on the GMC specialist register.

plastic surgeons registered and members of BAAPS BAPPRAS ISAPS RCS

COSMETIC FACE SURGERY oTOPLASTY Pinnaplasty ear reshaping

Face Cosmetic Surgery

Deciding to change the way you look through Cosmetic Surgery takes courage and a lot of consideration. It is important that your decision to have a procedure is considered carefully.

Ear Reshaping Surgery - Otoplasty Pinnaplasty

Approximately 1 to 2% of the population in the United Kingdom consider their ears to be too prominent. The most prominent ears often lack a normal fold, and sometimes one ear is more prominent than the other. People with prominent ears feel self-conscious and this can lead to a loss of self-confidence. Otoplasty is a surgical procedure which adjusts the shape of the cartilage within the ear to create the missing folds and allows the ear to lie closer to the side of the head. Because the operation is carried out from behind the ears, a small scar is left close to the groove between the ear and the side of the head. Where the lobe of the ear is especially large, a small procedure to reduce its size may also be required.

The Prodcedure

The Otoplasty / Pinnaplasty procedure is performed under general / llocal anaesthetic in a hospital normally as a day case but occasionally an overnight stay may be required. The ear is operated on from the back surface of the ear.  The incision lines are very discreet as they are made along the crease line behind the ear to expose the cartilage. The cartilage is reshaped to get a better shape or on occasions a small amount is removed.  The skin is re-draped over the shaped cartilage and sutures applied. 

Is Otoplasty / Pinnaplasty The Right Choice ?

The best candidates are people with prominent ears and asymmetrical ears.

Ear Surgical Procedures Recovering & Aftercare

After Otoplasty / Pinnaplasty procedures most patients* find that they can return to work within 1-2 weeks after their surgery.* It is recommended that any strenous excersie is avoided for a few weeks however gentle exercise when you feel ready* Your surgeon will advise you on invidiual time scales. *Individual results may vary.

The surgeon who performed your surgery will see you after 6 weeks for a follow-up assessment and as often is required until you are fully recovered. It is vital that you attend all necessary post-operative appointments. Although there is no medical reason for you to stay away from work for more than a few days, you will probably feel more comfortable if you take two weeks off and go back when the bruising has gone.

Disclaimer: This information sheet is designed to offer impartial advice and provide you with information to help you make an informed decision. It does not replace the need for a thorough consultation and all prospective patients should seek the advice of a suitably qualified medical practitioner.

Book now - Ready to learn more about Ear Reshaping Surgery? To request your consultation, fill out the form on the side of this page or call our practice at  0151 426 4777. Aset Hospital is based in Liverpool, Merseyside UK serves  national and international clients.